Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wedding Ceiling Drapes For Sale

[Guide] How to Compile the PSGroove

I wrote a detailed guide on how to self-compiled from source code of the HEX PSGroove so you do not have to wait for other people's work!
(The guide includes both the Linux and Windows procedure)
  1. Linux
  2. Prerequisites
emerge-av portage-utils git crossdev USE = "-openmp" crossdev-t avr - Without-headers
From Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc git-core
cloned the repository PSGroove
LUFA The repository uses the library as a submodule, for then clone: \u200b\u200bgit clone git
: / / github.com / psgroove / cd psgroove.git psgroove
git submodule init git submodule update



Source PSGroove

For convenience, we extract the package into a folder called PSGroove PSGroove and positioned in C:\

Dal pacchetto LUFA-lib copiamo la cartella TRUNK in C:\PSGroove\lufa-lib\


I Chip e le DEVboard possono essere adattate al PSGroove grazie al Makefile. In particolare, modificando le stringhe MCU, BOARD, e F_CPU. Ecco alcuni valori suggeriti: Teensy 1.0:

* MCU = at90usb162 * BOARD = TEENSY * F_CLOCK = 16000000
* F_CLOCK = 16000000

Teensy++ 2.0:

at90usb1286 = MCU * * * BOARD = teensy F_CLOCK = 16000000 AT90USBKEY / AT90USBKEY2:

= MCU * * * BOARD = USBKey
F_CLOCK = 8000000

AVROpendous v1.1: *

MCU = at90usb162
* BOARD USER = (need to manually attribute LED pins in Board / LEDs.h) *
F_CLOCK = 8000000


* MCU = at90usb1287
F_CLOCK = 8000000

PLEASE NOTE! The F_CLOCK depends on the value set in F_CPU

So if we want to set F_CLOCK to 8000000 F_CPU set to 8000000

For users who have olimex at90usb162

* MCU = at90usb162
* BOARD = teensy
F_CPU = 8000000 * Fix

always led to olimex at90usb162
go \\ psgroove \\ lufa-lib \\ trunk \\ LUFA \\ Drivers \\ Board \\ teensy
open the file with text editor leds.he found the following code:

/ * Public Interface - May be used in end-application: * /
/ * Macros: * /
/ ** LED mask for the first LED on the board. * / # Define
LEDS_LED1 (1 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;6)
/ ** LED mask for all the LEDs on the board. * / # Define LEDS_ALL_LEDS (1 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;6) replace the 6 with four, making sure that the LED will turn red when the jailbreak will be loaded from the PS3.
Enable Backup
To enable the use of backups via PSGroove need to make a small change to the source code. Open the file
PSGroove in the folder and find the following code (ctrl + f)

0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78

Replace it with

0x62, 0x64, 0x76, 0x64


On Linux, we use AVR GCC toolchain (Debian / Ubuntu package: gcc-avr).
make clean make On Windows open the cmd with administrative privileges and the folder containing the posizioniamoci PSGroove typing:

cd C: \\ PSGroove
Now compile the file using these commands: make clean make Inside the folder find
PSGroove psgroove.hex ready to be flashed!


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