I wrote a detailed guide on how to self-compiled from source code of the HEX PSGroove so you do not have to wait for other people's work!
(The guide includes both the Linux and Windows procedure)
- Linux
- Prerequisites
From Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install gcc-avr avr-libc git-core
cloned the repository PSGroove
LUFA The repository uses the library as a submodule, for then clone: \u200b\u200bgit clone git
: / / github.com / psgroove / cd psgroove.git psgroove
git submodule init git submodule update
Source PSGroove
For convenience, we extract the package into a folder called PSGroove PSGroove and positioned in C:\
Dal pacchetto LUFA-lib copiamo la cartella TRUNK in C:\PSGroove\lufa-lib\
I Chip e le DEVboard possono essere adattate al PSGroove grazie al Makefile. In particolare, modificando le stringhe MCU, BOARD, e F_CPU. Ecco alcuni valori suggeriti: Teensy 1.0:
* MCU = at90usb162 * BOARD = TEENSY * F_CLOCK = 16000000
- Teensy++ 1.0:
- * MCU = at90usb646 * BOARD = TEENSY * F_CLOCK = 16000000
- Teensy 2.0: * MCU = atmega32u4
* F_CLOCK = 16000000
Teensy++ 2.0:
at90usb1286 = MCU * * * BOARD = teensy F_CLOCK = 16000000 AT90USBKEY / AT90USBKEY2:
= MCU * * * BOARD = USBKey
F_CLOCK = 8000000/ ** LED mask for all the LEDs on the board. * / # Define LEDS_ALL_LEDS (1 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;6) replace the 6 with four, making sure that the LED will turn red when the jailbreak will be loaded from the PS3.
AVROpendous v1.1: *
MCU = at90usb162
* BOARD USER = (need to manually attribute LED pins in Board / LEDs.h) *
F_CLOCK = 8000000
* MCU = at90usb1287
F_CLOCK = 8000000
PLEASE NOTE! The F_CLOCK depends on the value set in F_CPU
So if we want to set F_CLOCK to 8000000 F_CPU set to 8000000
For users who have olimex at90usb162
* MCU = at90usb162
* BOARD = teensy
F_CPU = 8000000 * Fix
always led to olimex at90usb162
go \\ psgroove \\ lufa-lib \\ trunk \\ LUFA \\ Drivers \\ Board \\ teensy
open the file with text editor leds.he found the following code:
/ * Public Interface - May be used in end-application: * /
/ * Macros: * /
/ ** LED mask for the first LED on the board. * / # Define
LEDS_LED1 (1 \u0026lt;\u0026lt;6)
Enable Backup
To enable the use of backups via PSGroove need to make a small change to the source code. Open the file
descriptor.hOn Linux, we use AVR GCC toolchain (Debian / Ubuntu package: gcc-avr).
PSGroove in the folder and find the following code (ctrl + f)
0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78
Replace it with
0x62, 0x64, 0x76, 0x64
make clean make On Windows open the cmd with administrative privileges and the folder containing the posizioniamoci PSGroove typing:
cd C: \\ PSGroove
Now compile the file using these commands: make clean make Inside the folder find
PSGroove psgroove.hex ready to be flashed!
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