Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sky Lopez Marriage Your Top 10 Songs Of All Time?

[Guide] How to Play Online XLink Kai

E' una possibilità che c'è sempre stata, ora più that is useful to exploit the ever versatile platform offered by XLink Kai you can play online (LAN party) on ALL PS3 JB! Let's see how best to configure the utility.

.:: Introduction::.

XLink Kai is a versatile LAN Party platform that allows you to organize online real sessions Gaming LAN via a sort of extended that WEB, in a nutshell you can play with all persons having a accaunt Kai will leave possible hosts, join existing ones, create clans or private sessions, all for free, stable and fully compatible with the PS3 any kind (Latest FW, PSGroove, JB etc).

perform Download XLink Kai (the council from here
and install the program. Now we just have to enable the ports of the program, which could cause some problems for the less experienced, however
here you will find information about it, the gates are enabled 30000 and 34522 (UDP & TCP).

    We initiate

XLink Kai Evolution VII (se utilizzate W7 dovete settare la compatibilità con XP SP3 e privilegi da admin) accettiamo le richieste del firewall e logghiamo nel Kai utilizzando il nome utente e la passord creati nello step 1.
  1. Dopo aver avviato il programma andiamo a modificare le impostazioni della GUI in modo da abilitare l'interfaccia dell'applicazione e non quella web, per fare ciò basta cliccare sull'icona Configure Kai all'interno del menù avvio (o tasto destro sull'icona kai presente nell'angolo in basso a destra dello schermo).

  2. Dalla nuova GUI clicchiamo sull'icona del Globo e successivamente sulla lente d'ingrandimento to show these two screens:
  3. In the window of the Diagnostics Mode (right) you should see the following entries:
    Network Reachable:
  4. YES Network Card: The name of your card LAN
  5. Locked: YES
    If you do not see entries in the correct way the PS3 will not be configured correctly.

    .:: PS3 Setup::.

  6. We initiate our PS3 JB mode and set the network settings so you do not use any proxy or DNS (if you used them), but enable the DHCP giving any name (eg XLink, Kai, Qualsiasicosa), verify the connection MUST have a DNS error means that the operation is successful.
    leave the PS3 on and connected to the PC and move on.

      .:: Network Control PC::.
    • From the window of Kai where before we had checked the configuration of your network card now we have to click the folder icon and we should see the confirmation of recognition of the PS3:

Now we just have to start one of the games that support LAN Gaming, Creating / Joining in una partita disponibile e GIOCARE Online!
  1. NOTE:

Se siete alle prime armi con Kai e trovate difficoltà a creare o partecipare ad una partita potete cercare con google una delle mille guide che spiegano come fare ;)
E' possibile scambiare il proprio Xlink ID in questa sezione
in modo da creare partite di gruppo.

  1. Ricordate che bisogna sempre avviare Kai PRIMA che la PS3 sia connessa altrimenti non verrà riconosciuta.
  2. .::Giochi Supportati::.

Borderlands, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty W@W, Condemned 2, F.E.A.R, Haze, OFP Dragon Rising, Rainbow Six Vegas, The Darkness, TimeShift, Unreal Tournament 3, Armored Core 4, Blazing Angels 2, Blur, DiRT, DiRT 2, F1 2010, Formula 1 Championship, H.A.W.X 2, Dark Sector, Ghost Recon Advanced, Warfighter 2, Kane & Lynch Dead Man, Red Dead Redemption, Red Fraction Guerrilla, Saints Row 2, Warhawk.
  1. Se ti piace il mio lavoro e vuoi sostenere lo sviluppo di questo blog, effettua una donazione!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Womens Camera Cases For Canon

[News] New section on HEX File [UPDATED]

finally online the new section dedicated to the HEX file for PSGroove dongle, you will find that I have compiled all the HEX and specifications of each board.
[UPDATED] psgroove-maker.

Many have not noticed that you can now see, in mdo quick and fast,
HEX file list that I compiled as well as the specifications of each board in a convenient table always easy to interpret and Updated!

compilatiore now also available online, anyone can fill in the last PSGroove for their board on their own!
If you like my work and want to support the development of this blog, make a donation!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gay Cruising Spot In Nyc

[Release] evileon PSGroove PL3 MegaPack [UPDATED v2 to PSN3s FIX1]

After the departure of Hermes and thanks to the great work of Kakarot I enclosed in a single pack all of the hex of the new PL3 PSGroove.
[UPDATED] Updated with the new Pack v2 PSN3s. In

help to all those who have had problems in compiling and especially for those who want to try the fly that implements the new PSGroove PL3, I enclosed in a single hex MegaPack all completed and ready to flash, including even those FW for less than 3:41!

This version contains PL3 will be adopted as the new standard because it includes all the features of previous versions and implements new!
PL3 v2 allows you to run games that require the use of 3:42 without patch eboot. BIN, recognizes the type of game and use the patch more appropriate ways.

If you like my work and want to support the development of this blog, make a donation!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cost Of Asolos Sneakers

[Release] evileon CoverManager [UPDATED to v1.3ev]


See Backup Manager
The CoverManager does not conflict with my version of Backup Manager.
This version is not 'Stealth (see NOTE 1).
Support for cover in 348x400 PNG format (see NOTE 3). improved GUI and text-centered titles. Added possibility
downloading the covers through the L1 button.
Improved overall speed. Added customizable background music (file BOOT.AT3).

completely recompiled code (based on Jura Code). Name changed from a FlowManager CoverManager.
Covers are loaded correctly for the BluRay Game.
Fix the display names of the games. Implemented new compatibility
  • Mathieulh PSGroove, now all games are updated normally without requiring the original disc then. Rewritten code FTP (L3 button).
  • graphical layout completely revised and overall speed increased.
  • Implemented compatibility 3D cover (see NOTE 4).
  • Implemented display case back / \\ button (if available).
  • Ability to switch from 2D to 3D by pressing start button.
  • E 'can be downloaded automatically cover missing (3D/2D/Retro) by pressing L1. Available
  • the new Cover Pack featuring covers 2D & 3D.
  • NOTE:
  • Being a Beta version has not been made Stealth, I'll do in the future.
  • The Cover Flow is to display a scrolling cover the games, they must be placed in the folder dev_hdd0/game/EVIL81039/covers /.
  • I already made the cover and will update over time, find the Cover below to download the Pack CoverManager.
  • If you want to manually enter the 3-D cover, should be placed in
  • dev_hdd0/game/EVIL81039/covers/3d / (IDGIOCO.PNG 852x639) while the back should be in / dev_hdd0/game /
  • EVIL81039/covers/rear / (IDGIOCO.PNG 836x958)

  1. Dowload Cover Pack:
  2. Cover Pack 2.0

Se ti piace il mio lavoro e vuoi sostenere lo sviluppo di questo blog, effettua una donazione!

evileon CoverManager v1.3ev
by evileon
is licensed under a Creative Commons License

Based on a work at

Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at Licenza Creative Commons