Support for cover in 348x400 PNG format (see NOTE 3). improved GUI and text-centered titles. Added possibility
downloading the covers through the L1 button. completely recompiled code (based on Jura Code). Name changed from a FlowManager CoverManager.
Covers are loaded correctly for the BluRay Game.
Fix the display names of the games. Implemented new compatibility
- Mathieulh PSGroove, now all games are updated normally without requiring the original disc then. Rewritten code FTP (L3 button).
- graphical layout completely revised and overall speed increased.
- Implemented compatibility 3D cover (see NOTE 4).
- Implemented display case back / \\ button (if available).
- Ability to switch from 2D to 3D by pressing start button.
- E 'can be downloaded automatically cover missing (3D/2D/Retro) by pressing L1. Available
- the new Cover Pack featuring covers 2D & 3D.
- Being a Beta version has not been made Stealth, I'll do in the future.
- The Cover Flow is to display a scrolling cover the games, they must be placed in the folder dev_hdd0/game/EVIL81039/covers /.
- I already made the cover and will update over time, find the Cover below to download the Pack CoverManager.
- If you want to manually enter the 3-D cover, should be placed in
- dev_hdd0/game/EVIL81039/covers/3d / (IDGIOCO.PNG 852x639) while the back should be in / dev_hdd0/game /
- EVIL81039/covers/rear / (IDGIOCO.PNG 836x958)
- Dowload Cover Pack:
- Cover Pack 2.0
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