Thursday, December 30, 2010

Make Your Own Metal Core Scooter Wheels

La badante deve anche pulire la casa?

The caregiver does not establish that a contract or status. A carer is granted before accepting the job with the employer on what to do. If you do not like it, the carer is not obliged to accept. It 's always better to write all these agreements and details to avoid arguments later.
The caregiver takes care of the person and everything that goes with it, that keeps clean the house where the assisted living, care of the patient, provides for the administration of medicines, washes clothes and does all those things that normally would be assisted if a I was still able.
A carer costs just over € 15 000 per year, more vacations and holidays, food, water, electricity and heating for himself and for the patient. You get to laugh as € 23 000. It would be unthinkable to take even a maid for cleaning. A family reluctantly manderbbe burst and its "dear" (expensive for the expenditure) hospice for lack of alternatives, not for evil.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ears Feel Clogged And Buzzing

Che documento bisogna inviare all'INPS in caso di decesso dell'assistito?

In case of death means the relationship ended after the usual period of notice. The caregiver should be fired and possibly summed up by another family member if it is still necessary to help another person.
various communications should be made, but INPS must communicate the resolution of employment relationship with the form:

form for mandatory reporting of movements in the domestic work.
[Code: SC39 - Version: 2.4 - Publication Date: 07/14/2010 - Size zip file : 51 Kb]

The module is made of two parts, the explanations (one sheet) and form to be sent to INPS (two sheets).
attention should be given the inclusion (in section 7 of the second part of the sheet to be completed) under "Termination Code" the initials ED (ie, on the grounds that it should be noted INPS is "death")

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Anorexia Before After Recovery

il bollettino INPS

Click on image to view meglio, ...anzi per vederla (così non si vede niente).
Nel bollettino, riferito a badante con contratto CS 54 ore settimanali (convivente con assistito non autosufficiente) sono segnati:
il nome e il codice fiscale di datore di lavoro e dipendente (badante), le ore fatte nel trimestre e le settimane lavorate, la data di assunzione, i vari importi da pagare e il codice di rapporto di lavoro registrato all'Inps con il quale si chiedono anche i bollettini dopo il primo anno di lavoro inviati automaticamente, (per gli anni successivi vanno richiesti direttamente all'Inps).
Questo bollettino, quello del quarto trimestre, relativo ai mesi di Ottobre, Novembre e Dicembre va pagato in posta tra il primo January 10, 2011 and by the employer.
Once paid, the stakes keep the last part, the first part shall be given to caregivers who must show the Immigration Office Immigration (if not Italian) and the central part will remain with the employer.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver R4 Cheats

come si calcola la paga oraria e straordinaria

For example:
if a carer is taken with CS category to 54 hours per week
(carer lives with good practice, but no specific qualifications for the job, carers of a dependent)
entitled to a basic pay of 885.10 euros per month,
more than 1.72 Euro per day for lunch (counts for 26 days monthly fixed), ie 1.72 x 26 = 44.72
than 1.72 Euro per day for dinner (counts for 26 days Fixed monthly), ie 1.72 x 26 = 44.72
than 1.49 Euro per day for accommodation (counts for 26 days monthly fixed), ie 1.49 x 26 = 38.74
therefore contribute to the monthly salary (even if given in kind) 128.18 Euro per room and board.
salary total is then made by a party in kind (food and accommodation) and part in cash.
The salary to be considered for calculating the value Hourly rates will be 885.10 + Euro 128.18 Euro = Euro 1013.28.
This figure must be divided for the first week in a month (the average for the week, ie 52 weeks in a year divided by 12 months in year = 4.33) 1013.28
Thus: 4.33 = 234.01 € representing a weekly pay basis.
If you are in a week to 54 hours the hourly wage contract will be
234.01 Euro (paid weekly): 54 hours (per week) = 4.33 Euro per hour.
for overtime is calculated:
25% more, for those of actual work at night (so the actual working and not mere presence) conducted between the hours of 22 and 6 o'clock the next morning, and then 4.33 Euro (Hourly wage) x 1.25 = 5.41 euros now.
40% more, for those of actual work done within 12 hours of rest for example on Saturday (and then work over the noon Saturday), and then 4.33 euros (hourly wage) x 1.40 = 6.06 Euro now.
60% more, for those of actual work done on holidays or Sunday, and then 4.33 euros (hourly wage) x 1.60 = 6.92 euros now.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Small Mediterranean Homes

una badante clandestina può fare una vertenza sindacale?

theoretically yes, practically no.
One should not be illegal in Italy and end up being returned to his country before enjoying the right to justice. The first
rule shall be in order.
I think that might have a chance, can prove to be entered in order and then you have lost the right to residence permits for negligence (for the wrong, wrong, the employer), however, must gather credible witnesses (neighbors, doctor etc.. assisted by Elder).
It also considered the fact that you need good lawyers behind because otherwise the first police officer on duty would not be too much to give reasons why and wherefore, to address the unfortunate to a reception center for immigrants.
best to consult with all the cards in the hands of someone with an office disputes the largest union in city \u200b\u200bwhere you live.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Break Through Bleeding During Pregnancy

cos'è un ADI (assistenza domiciliare integrata)?

This is the basic service just after the DIY with the help of a carer. E 'for people in need of care. It is proposed to keep the person in their familiar environment by avoiding the marginalization that comes from admission to hospice. The goal is to improve the quality of life with the help of professionals in the family considered by all but the most likely to support life especially in an elderly person. You get access social services of his community.
You can receive support services to the person, home visits to specialists, physical therapists, aids, medications, blood samples for analysis, nursing home.
The municipality of residence may offer free transportation and escort for diagnostic visits to hospitals, hot meals at home and cleaning house at discounted prices

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che tipi di assistenze si possono avere per gli anziani?

in this place to speak only for themselves. We take a person to follow his own family and you pull on like this, with its own power. Unfortunately, an old man is basically old, and then immediately played down the doctors' time is old and sent him back home without too much care. The hospital is not and can not accept un'ospizio old but sick. But if the patient is old or if you prefer, if the old is sick? The disease finisce sempre con avere un unico comune denominatore, la vecchiaia e quindi incurabile per definizione. O si torna a casa o si va in ospizio.
A casa la badante e la buona volontà non sempre bastano. Quindi?
Esistono in ogni comune degli assistenti sociali che si occupano di progetti a tutela della salute degli anziani.
Su indicazione del medico di base o di associazioni presenti nel comune di residenza si viene indirizzati all'assistente sociale che con l'aiuto di un infermiere e di un geriatra valutano dove indirizzare l'anziano per usufruire dei servizi ospedalieri, o riabilitativi a casa o presso RSA per periodi che verranno valutati a seconda dei casi di volta in volta. C'è tutto in Italia, da chi viene a casa per lavare la faccia, alle attrezzature gratuite a domicilio. Basta non perdersi d'animo e chiedere.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jamie Lynn Spears Pregnant

Esempio di stipendio più tredicesima badante

Per vedere l'immagine meglio bisogna cliccarci sopra col mouse.
L'esempio si riferisce allo stipendio più tredicesima mensilità pagato oggi alla badante extracomunitaria con regolare permesso di soggiorno (ma italiana non farebbe differenza) che lavora da mio padre. Il contratto si riferisce all'inquadramento CS convivente a 54 ore settimanali.
... ed entro il 10 Gennaio 2010 c'è pure il bollettino Inps da pagare, altri 700 Euri (plurale imperativo).
Normalmente pago il 27 ma questo mese c'è Natale e allora ... "fate i bravi" dice sempre il signor Balocco.
Bisogna tener conto che la Festività pagata si riferisce a Santo Stefano perchè Natale va a recupero essendo considerata festa su questo "prospetto paga" la sola Domenica, con facoltà di fare la mezza giornata in giorno da decidere (che però solitamente è il Sabato pomeriggio).
Quindi Sabato tutto festività e restano da recuperare le 12 ore di festa della settimana in altro giorno, oltre alle 2 ore di libera uscita per i 5 giorni lavorativi pieni (dal Lunedì al Venerdì). Nel mio caso si inizierà la festa Venerdì a mezzogiorno. L'altra giornata di festa "goduta" è il giorno 8 Dicenmbre.
Sono due feste religiose (cristiane) but enjoyed in full even if the caregiver is of a different religion (in my case, Muslim).

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Fix A Broken Microsd

se faccio a Natale un regalo in busta paga verrà tassato?

regalia if the cash is placed (written) in profit and pays the full amount of wages received in ' year will not exceed € 8000 there will be no taxation income tax if the total payroll will exceed € 8000 will be taxed on the amount exceeding the 8000 (more of 8000).

Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Master Bat For Guys

aspetto da tre mesi di pagare l'Inps, cosa devo fare?

INPS is paid every three months.
from one to ten in January
Also for the previous three months. if not Bulletins we need to go there and have it delivered to INPS or ask here toll 803164
or have them shipped from here by entering the requested data Inps bulletins
INPS them automatically sends only for the first year then you have to ask.

Bracketless Shelving 12

Posso far pagare una quota affitto alla badante?

course, then if you can get paid even toilet paper and the air we breathe inside the house there may well be that the caregiver later this month in addition to working to pay something. But that contract is written on? The caregiver
cohabiting partner mica is because he wants her, but because the medium needs a presence in the house to feel safe. Then do not complain when they reach the litigation.

Green Egg Boston Butt

dove può dormire una badante la notte Christmas?

for sure, if you do not know where to go, at home if the assisted partner.
On days 25 and 26 are two-day festival full 48 hours free then.
This year, Christmas and Boxing Day are on Saturday and Sunday. So 00 hours from Saturday morning at 24 on Sunday night, it was free. Sunday will be paid double because it is a holiday that falls on Sunday and then not at his disposal, while Saturday will be paid only for half a day twice for the same reason.
This is the rule. Then we can recover half of the Friday Saturday at noon instead of a half holiday pay double. Hours of paid leave to spend Christmas Eve with his family. Unpaid leave for the evening of Friday. Holidays. Hearted Christmas etc..
The caregiver who has worked for my father (if there will be no emergency or trouble last time), which is good, will have the gift money, and the cake will go to his house on Friday around 14 (when I'll get to give change).
Then everyone at home and outside the rules is a bit 'as they like, if you will, to the person who helps him throughout the year.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Have Not Slept Yesterday Night

3:50 to 3:41 [Release] Assassin's Creed Brotherhood FILE4BM

Ecco un come avviare il nuovo  Assassin's Creed Brotherhood su FW 3.41 utilizzando il BM e apportando solo piccole modifiche elencate di seguito.
A poche ore dalla comparsa del titolo sulle maggiori piattaforme di FileSharing ecco che già si trova un modo per avviarlo senza problemi con PS3 JB e FW 3.41.

Scaricate e installate questa patch:


USER DIR all'interno della cartella del Gioco (se la cartella non esiste createla)

  1. Avviate il Backup con la mia ultima versione del BM che fixerà da solo il PARAM.SFO.
  2. NOTE: Questa modifica permette di avviare il gioco sia da HDD interno che da HDD usb. Attualmente è richiesto il BD inserito nel lettore per avviare il gioco.
  3. Ricordo che è bene conservare una copia dei file modificati/eliminati.

Se ti piace il mio lavoro e vuoi sostenere lo sviluppo di questo blog, effettua una donazione!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kates Playground Exclusive

[Release] Black Ops Call of Duty FILE4BM

  •   Ecco un come avviare il nuovo  Call of Duty Black Ops su FW 3.41 utilizzando il BM e apportando solo piccole modifiche elencate di seguito.
  • Analizzando l'EBOOT.BIN del gioco tramite HEX editor salta subito all'occhio la stringa che indica la compilazione tramite l'SDK 3.40 il che significa che il nuovo capitolo di CoD per PS3 può essere avviato su FW 3.41! Vediamo come:

    .:: Method 1::.

    Download This Pack
    , inside you will find all necessary files (the files are BLES01032).
    Copy files and
    t5mp_ps3f.self in the game folder (GDATA / Folder cod / USRDIR) by replacing the original ones. Copy the
    PARAM.SFO (contained in the
    P1) in
    GDATA / Folder cod /
    overwriting the original. Update the game to version 1.02 using the
    via the Add / Remove Package Files.
    After updating copy il file EBOOT.BIN (che trovate nel pack) in dev_hdd0/GAME/title_id_di_cod/USRDIR
    sostituendolo a quello originale. 
    1. Eliminate i file t5mp_ps3f.self e
    2. t5_ps3f.self
    3. che troverete in dev_hdd0/GAME/title_id_di_cod/USRDIR.
    4. Copiate ora il PARAM.SFO (contenuto nella cartella P2) in dev_hdd0/GAME/title_id_di_cod/ sostituendolo a quello originale
    5. . (Non necessario in alcuni casi) Andate nella directory
    6. /dev_hdd0/mms/db/
    7. (utilizzando l'FTP o il FM) cercate il file metadata_db_hdd and open it with a HEX editor, look for the item and replace it with 3:50
    8. 3.40.
    9. Now you just need to reboot your PS3 and enjoy the game (remember to start it for the first time with the Mem Patch enabled). .:: Method 2::.
    10. download This patch contains the pre-edited file for the Italian version of the game (BLES01032). Extract the contents of
    11. Copy (overwrite) the contents of the folder CoDBoPatch in the game folder. Now you just need to enjoy the game.

    This change allows you to start the game both from internal HDD to USB HDD.
    1. problems related to the multiplayer have been resolved, the guide has been updated.
    2. BD is currently required in the drive to start the game.
    3. Method 1 lets you uninstall the patch, the Method 2 is irreversible, so I recommend keeping a backup of changed files
    4. .
    Both methods are designed based game virgin and never changed. The

    Metodo 2 è valido per tutte le configurazioni (anche quelle precedenti agli ultimi PS3 e Hermes), il Metodo 1 vale solo da Hermes v4b o PL3v2 in poi.
    Questi metodi risultno un pò macchinosi e poco adatti ai meno esperti, ci sarà una mod al BM che permetterà di eseguire il processo in automatico. 
    1. Se ti piace il mio lavoro e vuoi sostenere lo sviluppo di questo blog, effettua una donazione!

    Sunday, October 24, 2010

    Sky Lopez Marriage Your Top 10 Songs Of All Time?

    [Guide] How to Play Online XLink Kai

    E' una possibilità che c'è sempre stata, ora più that is useful to exploit the ever versatile platform offered by XLink Kai you can play online (LAN party) on ALL PS3 JB! Let's see how best to configure the utility.

    .:: Introduction::.

    XLink Kai is a versatile LAN Party platform that allows you to organize online real sessions Gaming LAN via a sort of extended that WEB, in a nutshell you can play with all persons having a accaunt Kai will leave possible hosts, join existing ones, create clans or private sessions, all for free, stable and fully compatible with the PS3 any kind (Latest FW, PSGroove, JB etc).

    perform Download XLink Kai (the council from here
    and install the program. Now we just have to enable the ports of the program, which could cause some problems for the less experienced, however
    here you will find information about it, the gates are enabled 30000 and 34522 (UDP & TCP).

      We initiate

    XLink Kai Evolution VII (se utilizzate W7 dovete settare la compatibilità con XP SP3 e privilegi da admin) accettiamo le richieste del firewall e logghiamo nel Kai utilizzando il nome utente e la passord creati nello step 1.
    1. Dopo aver avviato il programma andiamo a modificare le impostazioni della GUI in modo da abilitare l'interfaccia dell'applicazione e non quella web, per fare ciò basta cliccare sull'icona Configure Kai all'interno del menù avvio (o tasto destro sull'icona kai presente nell'angolo in basso a destra dello schermo).

    2. Dalla nuova GUI clicchiamo sull'icona del Globo e successivamente sulla lente d'ingrandimento to show these two screens:
    3. In the window of the Diagnostics Mode (right) you should see the following entries:
      Network Reachable:
    4. YES Network Card: The name of your card LAN
    5. Locked: YES
      If you do not see entries in the correct way the PS3 will not be configured correctly.

      .:: PS3 Setup::.

    6. We initiate our PS3 JB mode and set the network settings so you do not use any proxy or DNS (if you used them), but enable the DHCP giving any name (eg XLink, Kai, Qualsiasicosa), verify the connection MUST have a DNS error means that the operation is successful.
      leave the PS3 on and connected to the PC and move on.

        .:: Network Control PC::.
      • From the window of Kai where before we had checked the configuration of your network card now we have to click the folder icon and we should see the confirmation of recognition of the PS3:

    Now we just have to start one of the games that support LAN Gaming, Creating / Joining in una partita disponibile e GIOCARE Online!
    1. NOTE:

    Se siete alle prime armi con Kai e trovate difficoltà a creare o partecipare ad una partita potete cercare con google una delle mille guide che spiegano come fare ;)
    E' possibile scambiare il proprio Xlink ID in questa sezione
    in modo da creare partite di gruppo.

    1. Ricordate che bisogna sempre avviare Kai PRIMA che la PS3 sia connessa altrimenti non verrà riconosciuta.
    2. .::Giochi Supportati::.

    Borderlands, Call of Duty 4, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty W@W, Condemned 2, F.E.A.R, Haze, OFP Dragon Rising, Rainbow Six Vegas, The Darkness, TimeShift, Unreal Tournament 3, Armored Core 4, Blazing Angels 2, Blur, DiRT, DiRT 2, F1 2010, Formula 1 Championship, H.A.W.X 2, Dark Sector, Ghost Recon Advanced, Warfighter 2, Kane & Lynch Dead Man, Red Dead Redemption, Red Fraction Guerrilla, Saints Row 2, Warhawk.
    1. Se ti piace il mio lavoro e vuoi sostenere lo sviluppo di questo blog, effettua una donazione!

    Tuesday, October 19, 2010

    Womens Camera Cases For Canon

    [News] New section on HEX File [UPDATED]

    finally online the new section dedicated to the HEX file for PSGroove dongle, you will find that I have compiled all the HEX and specifications of each board.
    [UPDATED] psgroove-maker.

    Many have not noticed that you can now see, in mdo quick and fast,
    HEX file list that I compiled as well as the specifications of each board in a convenient table always easy to interpret and Updated!

    compilatiore now also available online, anyone can fill in the last PSGroove for their board on their own!
    If you like my work and want to support the development of this blog, make a donation!

    Saturday, October 16, 2010

    Gay Cruising Spot In Nyc

    [Release] evileon PSGroove PL3 MegaPack [UPDATED v2 to PSN3s FIX1]

    After the departure of Hermes and thanks to the great work of Kakarot I enclosed in a single pack all of the hex of the new PL3 PSGroove.
    [UPDATED] Updated with the new Pack v2 PSN3s. In

    help to all those who have had problems in compiling and especially for those who want to try the fly that implements the new PSGroove PL3, I enclosed in a single hex MegaPack all completed and ready to flash, including even those FW for less than 3:41!

    This version contains PL3 will be adopted as the new standard because it includes all the features of previous versions and implements new!
    PL3 v2 allows you to run games that require the use of 3:42 without patch eboot. BIN, recognizes the type of game and use the patch more appropriate ways.

    If you like my work and want to support the development of this blog, make a donation!

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Cost Of Asolos Sneakers

    [Release] evileon CoverManager [UPDATED to v1.3ev]


    See Backup Manager
    The CoverManager does not conflict with my version of Backup Manager.
    This version is not 'Stealth (see NOTE 1).
    Support for cover in 348x400 PNG format (see NOTE 3). improved GUI and text-centered titles. Added possibility
    downloading the covers through the L1 button.
    Improved overall speed. Added customizable background music (file BOOT.AT3).

    completely recompiled code (based on Jura Code). Name changed from a FlowManager CoverManager.
    Covers are loaded correctly for the BluRay Game.
    Fix the display names of the games. Implemented new compatibility
    • Mathieulh PSGroove, now all games are updated normally without requiring the original disc then. Rewritten code FTP (L3 button).
    • graphical layout completely revised and overall speed increased.
    • Implemented compatibility 3D cover (see NOTE 4).
    • Implemented display case back / \\ button (if available).
    • Ability to switch from 2D to 3D by pressing start button.
    • E 'can be downloaded automatically cover missing (3D/2D/Retro) by pressing L1. Available
    • the new Cover Pack featuring covers 2D & 3D.
    • NOTE:
    • Being a Beta version has not been made Stealth, I'll do in the future.
    • The Cover Flow is to display a scrolling cover the games, they must be placed in the folder dev_hdd0/game/EVIL81039/covers /.
    • I already made the cover and will update over time, find the Cover below to download the Pack CoverManager.
    • If you want to manually enter the 3-D cover, should be placed in
    • dev_hdd0/game/EVIL81039/covers/3d / (IDGIOCO.PNG 852x639) while the back should be in / dev_hdd0/game /
    • EVIL81039/covers/rear / (IDGIOCO.PNG 836x958)

    1. Dowload Cover Pack:
    2. Cover Pack 2.0

    Se ti piace il mio lavoro e vuoi sostenere lo sviluppo di questo blog, effettua una donazione!

    evileon CoverManager v1.3ev
    by evileon
    is licensed under a Creative Commons License

    Based on a work at

    Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at Licenza Creative Commons

    Thursday, September 23, 2010

    Sandpaper For Pedicure

    [Release] evileon Hermes PSGroove MegaPack [UPDATED to v4b PSN3s]

    After countless requests and comments of many users, I decided to enclose in one pack all the compiled hex for the version of Hermes. [UPDATED] Pack Updated with new Hermes v4b PSN3s.
    in aid to all those who have had problems in compiling and especially for those who want to try to fly the new PSGroove amended by Hermes, I have enclosed in a single hex MegaPack all completed and ready to flash, the download you will find it the end product! The hex that I have compiled are universal, surely there will be suitable for your board, you just know that mounts the chip and the oscillator, then if you are insecure enough that I provided this information and you will fill in the hex.
    4b With PSN you can now use the PS3 PSN JB PSN2 version includes a fix that makes the PS3 more secure online!

    If you like my work and want to support the development of this blog, make a donation!

    Ratchet And Clank Blueprints For The Rhino V

    [News] Hermes PSGroove and Backup Manager v2, Does?

    Many have asked me about this new version of the Backup Manager and the changes introduced by Hermes (aka English coder) we discover them!

    Start with just remind you that this is not the Backup Manager 2, but more correctly it is a modification of a Backup Manager therefore the actual version is 1.2, is called Backup Manager v2 simply because the author calls it but remember that you will not find none of the improvements that were to be introduced with the second generation of the utility!

    After we pass the required precision analysis:
    version of the code that is proposing the launch of Hermes allows backup games even if you put a BD player in the original.
    What the PSGroove by Hermes is to redirect the BD_Device menu item App_Home/PS3_GAME making it possible to boot directly from XMB Backups, however, this feature allows the initiation of a single
    Here's a few hours after release modified code was born Backup Manager v2 which would (in theory but not in practice) to start every game, as did the previous Backup Manager, but without having to enter any BD (thanks to the work of Hermes). Once you select the backup you want to boot to the XMB will come ripoprtati exactly like the old BM only this time, instead of starting the game like a normal BD, you must select App_Home/PS3_GAME and the game starts (in theory ) normally!
    But if you start a game in the drive keeping the original BD disc will encounter an error. The thing that is immediately evident is the narrow compatibility with titles available in practice (tested direttamente da chi scrive) su tutti i giochi provati (21) solo 4 sono realmente giocabili!

    Possibilità (remota) di avviare giochi senza BD nel lettore.

    Ottimo per chi ha la lente del lettore fuori uso. Possibilità di avviare un gioco in modo istantaneo (se compatibile).

    Contro: Comatibilità molto scarsa, meno del 50% ( in media 3 giochi su 4 non partono).
    Si può avviare solo un EBOOT.BIN in modo istantaneo. Non è possibile "smontare" il Backup scelto.

    Considerazioni Final
    To conclude (as I said on my twitter) I decided not to rebuild a "best" version of Backup Manager v2 as still unstable and in my opinion useless (except in special cases) but I decided to compile the version of PSGroove by Hermes for anyone who wanted to try it now lies in the Download this article.

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    Usedtrailers In N.ireland

    [Release] evileon Stealthed FileManager [UPDATED 3:55 to v0.06ev CFW +]

  • A few minutes away from the issue of the FileManager Comgenie here is my version of stealth. [UPDATED] Updated to version 0.06ev + CFW3.55 pkg.
    • ChangeLog:
    Game ID replaced with that of Earthworm Jim demo of HD.

    K_Licensee original demo.
    PARAM.SFO amended to make the Stealth pkg. Home
    Translation into Italian. You can now copy entire folders.
    Copy speed increased greatly.
    Adding copy progress bar.
    try again for automatically copying errors when there are I / O. Added scrolling content.
    Added two copy modes (Normal / Advanced).
    • Allows to copy files larger than 4Gb HDD out (see NOTE). Added compatibility SD televisions. Now the selected file is highlighted. Ability to rename files and folders. Ability to create new folders. Added
    • informazoni on file size. Added
    • request for verification of their choice (see Note 7).
    • Added compatibility with the file name longer than 10 characters.
    • Introduced ability to move files / folders.
    • Several fixes to the resolution to show the correct list on tv not hd.
    • Added LUA script file compatibility (basic).
    • NOTE:
    • The FileManager allows direct access to all files on the PS3 including the flash memory so you must have a minimum of attention.
    • The FileManager can download games directly from the PS3 HDD.
    • With this utility you can make direct copies of BD in the drive of the PS3.
    • When making copies of all files remain locked until the end of the copy.
    • You can not scroll the content.

    All files copied from internal HDD to external HDD, larger than 4Gb will be automatically divided into multiple parts when these parts on copying 'internal HDD they will automatically be combined. The request for verification avoids the erroneous copy and delete files and folders via a window that asks you to confirm the selected action.
    1. .:: CFW 3:55 PKG::.

    If you like my work and want to support the development of this blog, make a donation!
    evileon Stealthed FileManager v0.06ev
    is licensed under a Creative Commons License

    Based on a work-at evileon ps3 .

    Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at Licenza Creative Commons