Monday, March 7, 2011

Can I Use Woolite In An He Washer

8 Marzo-Celebrare la mia ex-proff. d'Italiano,

certainly with facial wrinkles has little in common, mostly with the wrinkles of a system that can lead to aging of the 'soul !

Poem   di N. Stanescu
Spune-mi, daca te-as prinde-ntr-o zi
si ti-as saruta talpa piciorului,
nu-i asa ca ai schiopata putin, dupa aceea,
de teama sa nu-mi strivesti sarutul?

  ( possibile che questo piccolo “Poem” si appoggi solo ad una situazione irreale)
Dimmi, se ti prendessi in un giorno
e baciassi la pianta del tuo piede,
non è so that after you limp a bit '
for fear of not crush the kiss
(can happen only itself ...)

Tell me if you would take in a day
and would kiss the sole of your foot,
is not so, that limping a bit 'so
for fear of not crush the kiss
To you Michael F.,
The light that has driven out the darkness of my non - knowledge of Italian language!
Without You I never knew how to love the Italian language,
Without You I would never be able to write almost correctly,
Without You I would never be able to translate in Italian what they are,
Without You I would not have mai scoperto la bellezza e l’armonia dei versi di Ugo Foscolo
Venite, o Dee, spirate Dee, spandete
la Deità materna, e novamente
deriveranno l'armonia gl'ingegni
dall'Olimpo in Italia: e da voi solo,
né dar premio potete altro più bello,
sol da voi chiederem, Grazie, un sorriso.
Senza Te non avrei mai saputo annusare il profumo dolciastro delle castagne cotte   in piazza a Belluno
Senza Te non avrei mai saputo camminare with "nose up" Belluno in the arcades in search of time "lost" and its treasures,
Without You would have lost my love for ancient civilizations,
Without You I never tried to drag me out of the clutches of past
Without You I never knew that learning would be a fun,
Without You words would have remained hidden inside, waiting to be blown out,
Without You ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Without You I would have remained a stranger with no desire to integrate ,
Without You I'd be a foreigner who spends his time to say "I be, I go, I work, I eat"
So I say, which are now also part of your knowledge, so
"You are like an open window
Towards the flight of my dreams"
(regarding the world of Italian haha)
Thanks for everything you gave I and especially for what not have given me, so I started to look around in this huge world that is called "Italian" !
Ioana, a symphony of words left to say!
last resort!


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