Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Trailers In N.ireland

BERLUSCONI: Back to the spirit and passion of the '94

"We have to do with a system of institutions and 'was so' done by the founding fathers, who had a concern not to allow the government to be strong after 20 years the fascist regime, in fact, have given all the power Parliament, the Head of State and the Constitutional Court, and have absolutely entangled in all the ways the government and the Prime Minister. When we decide a law having had the ok from the President of the Republic and all the great staff that surrounds him and which is made throughout the meticulously then sent to Parliament, where between committees and the classroom is more 'times changed and needs to commute between the two chambers. "

, said the president Silvio Berlusconi, exposing the inadequacy of our institutional system, with particular reference to the legislative history to the needs of the country.

" We need to deal with all vetoes , who say judges la loro mentre c’e’ l’iter, di altre autorita’ che non dovrebbero intervenire ma intervengono lo stesso, alla fine deve tornare dall’altra parte. Poi se per caso al capo dello Stato e al suo staff non piace torna alla Camera e al Senato, e se non piace ai pm di sinistra perche’ limita i loro poteri, impugnano e la portano davanti alla Corte costituzionale che la abroga. Di fronte a tale situazione e’ necessaria una riforma delle istituzioni che non siamo riusciti a fare perche’ mai e’ sato trovato l’accordo, nemmeno all’interno della maggioranza, per avere un sistema piu’ positivo e dinamico".

Silvio Berlusconi, rivolgendosi ai parlamentari lombardi del Pdl riuniti Union of Commerce of Milan, said that "we must return to the spirit and passion of '94. Over time, there 'was someone who has been careful to preserve internal positions, and instead must be drawn to boys and girls, open young people. "

The Prime Minister stressed the need 'to revive the housing plan approved by the government, which until today,' was finally adopted by only two regions. "We must return home and on the floor 'was stopped by almost all Italian regions. The plan provides the opportunity' to expand a single family home or duplex and to intervene heavily on old buildings with earthquake-resistant measures and energy savings. Unfortunately everything 'was delayed, and only two regions have adopted permanently by the plan. "

Our Prime Minister has assured:" I decided to go all the way although I confess to being tempted to go back to the private citizen, 'cause I'm sick and boxes. But I can not, otherwise 100% of Italians would say that I am a deserter, as well 'disappoint even the 51 percent who support me. "

As for the immigration problem, Berlusconi said:
" The left wants borders are not open, but wide open. We still have the old comunisti.Prendete Bersani and see what it says. If we say white, they say black. We are on two opposite sides on the balance sheet, the financial returns and interceptions.

On the subject of constitutional reform reducing the number of members of parliament, Berlusconi said:
"It 's difficult to pass the Christmas turkeys. In Parliament, only 50-60 people who work there: all the others are forced to be there 'to gossip and to follow the leader. It 'a waste of energy and professionalism' incredible that we should avoid. All Italians would agree but it 's very difficult to get it approved by MPs.


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