When an employer dies, there are a lot of practice to be performed, one on all pay taxes on the transfer of what remained.
is appointed by the heirs (by agreement) a representative pro-tempore, who is in charge of all practices. A of these, is to communicate the dismissal INPS (death of the employer) of the caregiver (after days of leave).
It is now all over the Internet, if you have the PIN to access your location. In the event of death, however, is not possible because the employer can not use a position he had in life, then you go in person or through a patronage does all this at any trade union or trade association.
The letter of dismissal, such as on the suspension or death and survivor's pension, should be submitted to INPS who is responsible to represent the family.
box dismissal that motivates you put your initials DE (deceased). The form, however, accompanied by a sheet of instructions for completion.
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