choose a remedy ... and it seems a little ...
might be more useful to work with various remedies and combine what works or discard what does not work for you.
1) Cucumbers
A natural remedy that is simply a vegetable common to us all, (use it always in the right season) who served other people in the past.
Cut into thick slices, the cucumber has long been used to reduce puffiness and refresh the skin's appearance, especially that around the eyes, providing quick "choose me" for tired eyes and swollen.
Place a slice over each eye, which extends above the dark area. Do this every day , lying down for 10-15 minutes. Keep your eyes closed.
2) Apply the usual tea bags
or cold as ice cubes (do you put it in the freezer and then affixed to the water) wrapped in a cloth placed on your eyes every day. The tannin from tea bags reduce the swelling and discoloration .
Lying, preferibilmente al mattino, e lasciarsi coccolare dal fresco- freddo- umido involucro delle bustine di tè (si può conservare in frigorifero durante la notte in modo da essere pronte alla mattina) sopra i vostri occhi per circa 10-15 minuti. Tenete gli occhi chiusi .
3)Versare una soluzione salina
(2 tazze d'acqua con un cucchiaino da tè di 1 / 4 di sale marino e / o mezzo cucchiaino di bicarbonato di sodio) in una delle tue narici con la testa inclinata di lato in modo che l'acqua esce l'altra narice. La cosa migliore è utile quando si pensa alla congestione nasale. Mai provata …
4) Use a potato
Put a baked potato in a blender and blend the whole potato. You can put the mashed potatoes eyes closed. Hold there for 30 minutes, lying on his back, then wash off with warm water. This method works well for some people.
5) Use the spoons placed in the freezer
6) Sleeping Beauty
is not entirely clear why inadequate sleep leads to the dark circles under the eyes, but the lack of sleep tends to cause the skin to become paler (thus increasing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes), and reduces blood flow .
It is also believed that too little time lying down (alone) is a cause in itself.
Determine how much sleep is necessary (usually 7-9 hours per night, but varies from person to person, and then also by the different stages of life). For a couple of weeks, you try to understand if sleep is the cause.
to be continued ...
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