Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kate´s Playground 2009 December


PROCESSION ROUTE CHANGES February 24 2011 OF OUR LADY OF THE MIRACLE ON WORK IN PROGRESS. According to the calendar of events PARISH 21 to 27 February 2011 the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary of Melissano have been some changes to the route of the procession and also reported on the posters in a previous post on this blog that it was faith in the program delivered in families by the Committee. The parish priest in the package explains that "the route of the procession is that of last year, shortly after the start was interrupted by rain. The itinerary changes from that shown on the posters are put up for security reasons. " Here is the revised routing, and then final procession che partirà dalla Chiesa dell’Immacolata alle ore 16.30 (e non come indicato nel programma distribuito porta a porta alle ore 16.45): Piazza Immacolata, vie Settembrini, Galilei, Canova, Dante, Venezia, Galilei, Piazza Marconi, vie IV Novembre, Piazza Vecchia, Piave, Felline, A. Grandi, Castello, P. di Piemonte, Campo dei Fiori, De Gasperi, Vittorio Emanuele Orlando, Veneto, Felline, Matteotti, N. Sauro, Tevere, Tagliamento, Colombo, Mazzini, Chiesa Madre dove si sosterà per la Messa. Rimane invariato l’itinerario per riportare la statua della Madonna nella Chiesetta dell’Immacolata subito dopo la messa: Piazza San Francesco, via Vittorio Emanuele II°, Piazza Garibaldi, via Piazza Vecchia, Piazza Immacolata. GOOD DAY TO ALL AND THANKS TO THE FESTIVAL COMMITTEE.


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