Thursday, February 24, 2011

Von Velicity Wikipedia

Curcuma-la "polvere santa" oppure dall'India con furore arriva la curcuma part c

Turmeric is also known for the fact that minimizes the harmful effects of processed foods and even the smoke. One of the active ingredients of turmeric, curcumin is liable for a lot of benefits.
I thought it was very interesting to bring back a part of this article, taken from Science Daily (March 8, 2009) regarding the potential of curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric ....

On the other hand, now you start to become account that turmeric has some important advantages and is much more of a spice that you can forget in a corner of our kitchen. Turmeric is compressed like a lot of advantages and these days, scientists are convinced to substantiate, to prove it through research.
Yet it is little known exactly how curcumin works within the body.
Now, researchers at the University of Michigan, led by Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, using a high-tech instrument found that curcumin molecules acting with a biochemical discipline worthy of the most strict Swiss boarding schools, who enter the cell membranes and make them more ordinate, una mossa che migliora la resistenza delle cellule alle infezioni e neoplasie.
"La membrana smette di essere pazza e floscia ed inizia ad essere più disciplinata ed ordinata, in modo che il flusso di informazioni attraverso di essa può essere controllato", ha detto Ramamoorthy, un professore di chimica e biofisica. I risultati sono stati pubblicati online 3 marzo sul Journal of American Chemical Society.

For a child in India was given to drink milk with turmeric had a cold and when breathed infusion of turmeric to relieve congestion it. As a researcher, Ramamoorthy was fascinated by the proteins that are associated with biological membranes and uses a technique called solid-state NMR to reveal the details at the level of atoms and molecules important in the membranous environment where they operate.
Scientists have suggested that curcumin does its job ,
ie health promotion Interacting directly with membrane proteins, but the results challenge the notion of unified messaging. Instead, the researchers found that curcumin regulates the action of membrane proteins indirectly by changing physical properties of the membrane.
The team of scientists to which it belongs Ramamoorthy is now working with chemistry professor and researcher Jason Masato Koreeda Gestwicki of 'UM Life Sciences Institute to study a variety of derivatives of curcumin, some of which have improved the power. "We want to see how these various derivatives interact with the membrane, to see if interactions are the same as what we have observed in this study, "Ramamoorthy said." This comparative study could lead to the development of powerful drugs for the treatment of infections and other diseases. "
same time, the team Ramamoorthy is using the same methods to study the effects of curcumin on formation of amyloid (clumps of fibrous protein that is believed to be involved in type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and many other diseases).
In addition, researchers are trying to see if appropriate other natural products, such as polyphenols (compounds found in many plant foods, which are known to have antioxidant properties) e capsaicina (un antidolorifico derivato dal peperoncino), interagiscono con le membrane nello stesso modo come la curcumina.


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