Monday, February 14, 2011

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[Guide] PSN Checks

Complete with pictures and detailed steps to exploit the methods of PSN on CFW3.55 enabler! [obsolete method]
.:: Method Simplified::.
.:: Requirements Method Simplified::.
.:: Installation fuckPSN::.
  1. Simply download fuckPSN of the links in the requirements and extract the contents to your desktop, Start
  2. fuckPSN.exe and leave it running.

.:: Replacing PS3 Certificate::.
  1. CA27.cer Copy the file (extracted from the package fuckPSN ) on a USB stick (FAT32)
  2. also copied to the USB stick:
    • dev_build ( dev_build . Pkg) pkg
    • Multimania or the FileManager
  3. Connect the USB to the PS3 and install the two pkg;
  4. Start dev_build and confirm you want to mount the dev_build , the program will bring you back all'XMB;
  5. Now Multimania started, go to filemanager mode and copy the files from USB CA27.cer to dev_build - > data -> cert ( would be a good idea to copy the old certificate before overwriting it with the modified )
  6. FileManager Exit and restart the PS3.
.:: Note:.
  1. Who CA24.cer has replaced the old version of fuckPSN will now have to restore the original CA24.cer before replacing the CA27.cer .
.:: PS3 Connection Configuration::.
This is the easiest, you do not have to do is set the correct addresses according to the diagram below:
  • DNS Server: { Enter the IP address of the PC dal quale è avviato il fuckPSN come DNS primario, come DNS secondario inserite }
  • Proxy Server: { Impostatelo su Non Usare }
.::Conclusione Metodo Semplificato::.
Ora non vi resta che testare la connesisone al PSN e giocare online!
Vi ricordo che fuckPSN dovrà essere attivo ogni volta che vorrete connettervi al PSN!

.::Metodo Manuale::.
.::Requisiti Metodo::.
.:: Installing Charles::.
  1. be downloaded from the link in the Charles requirements;
  2. Extract the three files in the archive to a folder on your desktop;
  3. Install the file by Charles charles_setup_3.51.exe;
  4. After installation, double click on run.bat file (to start with Administrator privileges if you are on w7 or view);
  5. You will see after a few seconds the Charles Patcher v3.5;
  6. Click on 'browse' and to the directory C: \\ Program Files \\ Charles \\ lib ;
  7. Double click the file that you will find charles.jar lib folder;
  8. Wait for the return message patch file and run Charles (in the case of patch failed copy the file. patchatelo jar on the desktop and from there);
  9. Click Help and select Register ;
  10. Write what you want is in that Name Key, you finish the installation.
.:: Configuration Charales::.
  1. Start Charles and go Proxy -> Reverse Proxies and check the box Enable Reverse Proxies ;
  2. Add Click the button and follow the settings as per image:
  3. After confirming the changes go Tools -> Local Map and check the box Enable Map Local ;
  4. Create the folder ps3 in C: \\ Program Files \\ Charles \\ ps3 and copy the file inside ps3-updatelist.txt ;
  5. Click on the Add button and follow the settings as per image:
  6. After confirming the changes in go Tools -> Rewrite and check the box Enable Rewrite ;
  7. Enter the value followed by clicking on the various buttons respectively Add as from image:
    • Locations:
      Name: PS3 version spoofer
      Locations: Protocol: https, HOST:, Path: /nav/auth
    • Rules:
      Type: Modify Header
      Where: Request
      Match, Name: X-Platform-Version
      Match, Value: PS3 03.55

      Replace, Name: X-Platform-Version
      Replace, Value: PS3 03.56
      Replace All
  8. Dopo aver confermato le modifiche andate in Proxy -> Proxy Settings e seguite le impostazioni come da immagine:
  9. Confermate tutto con OK e lasciate il programma in esecuzione.
    1. Abilitate la connessione di Charles al firewall se vi viene chiesto.
    2. Controllate di avere: Proxy -> Recording (Session 1) abilitato, se non lo è abilitatelo da Proxy -> Start Recording
    3. Quando proverete la connessione al PSN per la prima volta, Charles vi chiederà se autorizzare o no la connessione alla PS3, ovviamnete cliccate su  ALLOW!
  .::Installazione VMware Player::. 
  1. be downloaded from the link VMware Player and install it in the requirements;
  2. Start VMware item and check the Create a New Virtual Machine , the window that opens select installer disc image file click browse and select the ISO of Ubuntu downloaded from the link in the requirements;
  3. Go ahead with the installation of the virtual machine and set the properties as in the picture (do not forget those Network Adapter ):
  4. Proceed installing Ubuntu as if it were a normal PC and follow the onscreen instructions.
.:: Configure Ubuntu::.
  1. Start your virtual machine with Ubuntu and open a terminal ( Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal )
  2. From the terminal type the command:
    • sudo apt-get install dnsmasq
    Wait a few seconds of the files needed for installation and proceed.
  3. From terminal type the command:
    • sudo gedit / etc / hosts
    We will open a window where you enter the following two lines:
    • 192.168.1.XXX f eu 01 .
    Instead of 192.168.1.XXX you must enter the IP of the PC where you started and left running Charles.
  4. When you are done editing the file then save and close the text editor;
  5. From the terminal type the command: ipconfig
  6. Take note of 'IP (regulator with the image to see where it is) and keep on hand as this will be the DNS address to be included in the PS3 settings;
  7. Before we check over the proper dnsmasq startup by typing the command terminal:
    • ps-ef in C:\Program Files\Charles\docs
    • e copiate il file
    su una chiavetta USB (FAT32); Rinominate il file charles-proxy-ssl-proxying-certificate.crt
  8. in
  9. CA24.cer facendo attenzione a cambiare l'estensione del file da .crt a .cer
      altriemnti non funzionerà;
    • Sulla chiavetta USB copiate anche:
  10. AsbestOS installer (package53.pkg)
pkg del multiMAN o FileManager 
  1. Collegate la chiavetta USB alla PS3 ed installate i due pkg; Avviate L' AsbestOS
  2. installer and let it work until it asks you to press X
  3. to get out (may take a few minutes); Now Multimania started, go to filemanager mode and copy the files from USB CA24.cer to dev_rwflash -> data -> cert (
  4. would be a good idea to copy the old certificate before overwriting it with the modified

  5. )
    • FileManager Exit and restart the PS3.
    • .:: PS3 Connection Configuration::.
  6. This is the easiest, you do not have to do is set the addresses corrected according to the diagram below:
  7. DNS Server: Enter the IP {virtual machine that you have scored in the sixth. Configuring the Ubuntu }
  8. Proxy Server: { Enter the IP address of the PC where you left running Charles } Proxy port: { Port Charles, which should be 8888 if you followed the instructions carefully
  9. }

  1. .:: End Method Manual::.
    • Now you just need to test the connesisone to PSN and play online! I remind you that it is Charles la macchina virtuale dovranno essere attivi ogni volta che vorrete connettervi al PSN!
    • Se avete problemi al primo tentativo provate a riavviare i programmi su PC e la PS3
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[Guida] PSN Checks Bypass
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