Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Anybook: the reader children devoted to interactive

Anybook is an audio , innovative than competing products because it allows the child to listen to a story or reading a book directly from the voice of a parent, even if it is not close to him, for an intimate learning experience.

The reader AnyBook Discover Franklin is now a valuable aid for parents on the go, or for grandparents to distant will be maintained by bonding with their babies, contributing actively and individually, including its education.

AnyBook daily helps to reduce the gap between child and parent, making it more enjoyable, as well as improve their reading skills, learning and communication.

Anybook is very easy to use, it has only 3 buttons intuitivi; il suo funzionamento è immediato e non richiede alcuna programmazione, né è necessario scaricare contenuti o collegarsi a un computer.

1) Il genitore sceglie una o più pagine di un libro che gli piacerebbe leggere al proprio bambino e le contrassegna, applicandovi gli appositi segnalibri colorati in dotazione.

2) Passa poi su ogni adesivo il particolare lettore ottico di Anybook. Quest’operazione permetterà di associare a ogni segnalibro la registrazione della pagina corrispondente.

3) Record your voice while reading every page of your choice.

Each time the child passes the optical reader Anybook on any of the previously applied adhesive, you can listen to the reading of that page / story directly by the voice of mom or dad! All day long!

AnyBook can be used with any book and requires no additional costs for the purchase of texts or special restrictions in the choice of content. Anybook then offers parents a unique opportunity to manage the learning content their children, focusing on topics of their choice.

Anybook allows recording in any language and also allows a multi-language reading.

Anybook also proved to be a really useful tool, not only for children but for all people with sight problems. The recording of the text, makes it possible to help their loved ones to read and be informed about daily events.

"Franklin is a trademark has always been known for its commitment to education, especially in foreign languages \u200b\u200band to increase le capacità di lettura. Noi crediamo nelle soluzioni semplici, cui tutti possono aspirare; oggi siamo orgogliosi di essere in grado di arrivare a coinvolgere anche i più piccoli e futuri lettori. Con il Lettore AnyBook, abbiamo sviluppato un coinvolgente dispositivo di comunicazione bidirezionale, interattivo e personalizzato” afferma Barry J. Lipsky, Presidente e Capo Esecutivo di Franklin Electronic Publishers"

Anybook è disponibile in due versioni, tra loro differenti per la capacità della scheda di memoria:

DRP-3000 (di colore blu) consente di registrare fino a 15 ore and costs € 49.90

DRP-4000 (white) allows recording up to 60 hours and costs € 69.90

AnyBook is available at all major electronics stores.

For more information visit / anybook


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