Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sweet N' Low Side Effects

2 Marzo: cosa succederà in casa Apple?

Like every year, Apple is ready to present the latest news. But they are no such (but only to create that aura of mystery, or those who withstand so much ...) as news, true or false, circulating on the internet and blogs for several months already. On 2 March will be the day on which two dell'iPad that, in the form should be similar to current levels, then will have a 10.1-inch display but with a higher resolution and slightly more rounded lines. He may have a memory card slot and a faster processor. Other rumors also speak of the presentation of the next release of IOS, version 5, even if presented in this event, the next iPhone will be launched later in the month of June 5th. As you read, there will be surprises! Fantechnology will try to update you as soon as possible about this event, hoping that there might be one of the live streaming. What do you think you are not a little curious?


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